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About Nathaniel

Nathaniel Emmert-Keaton is a certified Life and Professional Coach and has been a massage therapist, licensed in Nevada. He has been practicing Reiki with clients and their pets since 2002. He is an eager traveler and student, studying a variety of healing modalities and religions. Nathaniel grew up in Arkansas and has lived in numerous places around the country.

About Kymberly

Kymberly Keaton-Emmert was a Reiki non-believer until a powerful healing experience twenty two years ago in Las Vegas, NV. She has been practicing Reiki ever since. She is a gifted teacher and has taught writing, literature, and motorcycle safety at FSU and the Community College of Southern Nevada. She is always looking for something new to learn and share with others.

She was born in Tallahassee and left after high-school. She has lived in New York City; Galveston and Austin, Texas; Las Vegas, NV; in Utah; and in a 1980 VW Van. She is delighted to be back living in the woods of North Florida with her amazing husband and two gorgeous dogs.

Kymberly decided to become a Reiki Master and begin teaching and holding a low-cost Reiki clinic after Burning Man 2006. She spent a week in the deep desert giving Reiki sessions with the HeebeeGeebee Healers camp, surrounded by a dozen different holistic healing modalities, infused with energy she couldn't wait to share. For Kymberly, Reiki has become a way of life and an adventure.